Transform Your Skin with Advanced Laser Treatments

Transform your skin with our advanced face treatments. From anti-aging and rosacea to pigmentation, broken capillaries, and acne scarring, our expert laser therapies deliver remarkable results. Discover pain-free solutions tailored to your needs, restoring your skin’s health and radiance. Explore our range of treatments and find the perfect one for your skin journey.

Anti-ageing and Skin Restoration

Cosmetic laser and light treatments have been available for decades, but it is the advances in science and epigenetics that have been able to inform us as to why it has been so successful in restoring health to ageing skin.

Did you know that the laser we use at Lyte will physically make your skin younger and younger with every treatment. It’s been shown that 6 treatments of our pain free, no downtime treatment will rejuvenate your skin by approximately 10 years.

Let our nationally qualified therapists explain how when you come and see us.


Our effective approach to treating the symptoms of rosacea reduces flushing, inflammation, and acne-like pustules.


Our treatments will leave you with an even skin tone and a reduction in pigmented lesions including sun damage, seborrheic keratosis and other pigmentation concerns.

Broken Capillaries

Are often resolved in a single treatment with no downtime or painful after effects.

Acne and Acne Scarring

Our pain free acne treatments are quick and effective. We even have a Student Acne Clinic to help family budgets.