Laser Hair Removal
Say goodbye to the hassle of shaving, waxing, and plucking, and enjoy the confidence that comes with flawless skin. With our advanced laser hair removal, you can achieve the long-lasting smoothness you’ve always desired.
About Laser Hair Removal
Our state-of-the-art laser hair removal technology targets hair follicles with precision, ensuring effective and long-lasting results. The laser emits a concentrated beam of light that is absorbed by the pigment in the hair, destroying the follicle and preventing future growth. This method is safe, quick, and suitable for all skin types and tones.
During the treatment, you’ll experience minimal discomfort, often described as a slight tingling sensation. Each session is relatively short, depending on the area being treated, and there is no downtime, allowing you to resume your normal activities immediately.
With Photo-epilation you should be expect a reduction of hair growth of 60 -80% with permanency being achieved with follow up treatments regularly.
Our trained professionals will customize the treatment plan to your specific needs, ensuring the best possible results. Regular sessions will lead to a significant reduction in hair growth, leaving your skin smooth and hair-free.
Highly qualifed therapists
All the therapists at Lyte have achieved national government accredited laser qualifications.
This means they have not only passed their Laser Safety Certificates (not yet required by South Australian Government) but they have also attained the highest nationally recognised qualifications possible, The Graduate Certificate in IPL and Laser Hair Removal.

There are some secrets to successful, long term hair reduction that clients may not know. Unfortunately, neither do poorly trained therapists.
How it works
A human hair is made up of three main parts:
- The Hair Shaft
- The Follicle
- The Bulb
A wave of light (which generates heat) is emitted from the laser aperture. This is drawn down the hair shaft to the hair follicle, damaging so hair re-growth is greatly inhibited.
The inbuilt coolant in our machines means that the treatment is comfortable without post treatment discomfort.
Treatments tailored to you and your body
No two people are alike and the response to hair removal treatments can vary from one person to another. This is why it’s important for your therapist to look for the correct end-point when doing your treatment, rather than following a standard clinic procedure that is found in most franchises and chain laser clinics.
Similarly, you may have been told that treatments every 4 to 6 weeks are what is needed. Not necessarily, Being aware of current research also enables us to advise as to how often you should be having your treatments.
So, without apologies, we may seem to be a little more expensive than some of these “hair removal factories” but you will be treated as an individual and be treated with the best quality Australian designed machines. You can also rest assured that you are being treated by the highest qualified therapists who will listen to any concerns you may have and act on them.
Unfortunately, pure white and grey hair contain no colour so they will not respond to treatment. Red hair can also be resistant.
We are always updating our technology. Unlike other Clinics that rely on only one type of machine to achieve desired results, we have at our fingertips both an 810 Diode laser and a broad spectrum medical class IPL.

- Do not wax, pluck, bleach or use electrolysis for 4 weeks before and throughout the course of your treatments. It is important for the hair to be visible at the skin’s surface for the treatment to be effective. Depilatory creams may be used up to 48 hours prior to your treatment.
- Do not use Retin A cream for at least 5 days prior to your treatment.
- For 4 weeks before and for the duration of your course of treatments, avoid all tanning, either artificial or real. Treatment will be more effective if your skin is as pale as possible in the areas to be treated. For your own safety.
- If needed, apply Emla (anaesthetic cream) for pain relief at least half an hour before your appointment time.
You don’t need any special creams or lotions. Other clinics will tell you this just to increase their cash flow!! In fact, we don’t want you applying any lotions for at least 24 hours.
You will also need to avoid baths with oils, chlorinated pools and spas for 24 hours as well.
Please avoid the sun as much as possible. Remember the paler your skin, the better the results.
Laser Hair Removal treatment
Treatment | Single Treatment | 8 Treatment Package |
Areola | $50 | $300 |
Arms, Full | $175 | $1050 |
Full arm / Underarms | $200 | $1200 |
Back, Full | $250 | $1500 |
Full back including shoulders | $250 | $1500 |
Bikini tidy | $60 | $360 |
Bikini extended | $80 | $480 |
Brazilian | $100 | $600 |
Brazilian and snail-trail | $120 | $720 |
Buttocks | $100 | $600 |
Chest | $80 | $480 |
Chin and lip | $50 | $300 |
Ears | $30 | $180 |
Eyebrows | $30 | $180 |
Face, Full | $50 | $300 |
Feet and toes | $55 | $330 |
Hands and fingers | $55 | $330 |
Knees | $70 | $420 |
Legs, Half (upper or lower inc knee) | $200 | $1200 |
Legs, Full (inc toes and feet) | $300 | $1800 |
Neck, Back | $50 | $300 |
Neck, Front | $50 | $300 |
Shoulders | $75 | $450 |
Back, Full | $250 | 1500 |
Snail-trail | $30 | $180 |
Stomach | $75 | $450 |
Underarm | $50 | $300 |
Upper lip or chin | $30 | $180 |
Frequently Asked Questions
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Laser treatment is the nearest we can get to achieving long term excellent results in hair removal.
Occasionally, it is possible to see the re-growth of small amounts of hair over a period of time, but this is usually weaker and lighter in colour and can be treated again if necessary.
This depends on the area being treated and ranges from 5 minutes for the upper lip or chin, 15 for the bikini line and up to 45 minutes for full legs.
At the end of each treatment, the treated area may show slight reddening which tends to disappear after only a few minutes. The hairs remain in the skin but those that have been damaged by the laser will gradually drop out over the following 2 weeks. This sometimes gives the appearance of the hair growing more quickly than normal but it is actually the hair being shed from the skin.
Usually, the treated area has only a temporary redness which will disappear quickly.
Occasionally, a hot spot may last for more than a couple of hours and sometimes a blister may appear. In some cases, the treated area may be left with a temporary darker colour which will disappear after a few weeks.
The number of sessions required will depend on the colour of your hair and skin and hair thickness. Courser hair, darker skin and pale hair colour will often require more sessions.
Typically 6 to 8 sessions are required to treat a woman with pale skin and dark hair and maybe 8 or 9 in a darker skin.
However, some clients may require more treatments to achieve the desired result, especially when we may be dealing with hormonal hair growth as women’s facial hair for
Men will also often require more treatments.
As the treatment depends on the light energy being absorbed by the pigmented colour of the hair, black and dark brown hair responds quicker than light brown and blonde hair. As white, grey, platinum blond hair contains virtually no pigment; laser hair removal is unlikely to be effective.
The laser can only affect those follicles that have a growing hair in them. Only about one third of your follicles are growing at any given time.
Hair grows in a 3-phase cycle – it has a growing phase, a dormancy phase and a resting phase. Only hair that is in the growing (anagen) phase can be successfully removed with the laser. At any one time approximately 85% of hairs are in the anagen phase.
Different body areas require different intervals between treatments. This is due to differing types of hair, hormone levels and hair growth cycles. The length of time between treatments will increase after a few treatments. After the first few sessions, you will rebook your appointments when you see approximately 30% regrowth.